
Help build a better picture of what those who teach do.

Nominate a fantastic teacher who should be interviewed, or give thanks and recognition through a letter to a teacher who made a positive impact on you.

If you’re no longer teaching, share a memory, rant, or call to action.

Please send your stories to thosewhoteach[at]gmail[dot]com.

14 thoughts on “Submit

  1. Pingback: Short, Sweet ‘Refreshment’ « Those Who Teach

  2. Pingback: The College Board can’t touch this. « Those Who Teach

  3. Pingback: Grab this jet pack. « Those Who Teach

  4. Hi everybody I’ve just opened a new blog about sport psychology and I’m interested in talent management for young people. It would be great to know what teachers think about talent ! What is your idea of talent? How do you manage it if you recognize it in your students?


  5. This is a fantastic idea for a blog! I just tweeted out your call for submissions. I will definitely consider submitting something for future posts. We need these voices out there, loud and strong!

  6. Pingback: Summer send-off for those who teach | Those Who Teach

  7. Great idea! I’ll definitely consider a contribution in the future. I taught 33 years and am recently retired and now working as a mentor for beginning teachers. I’ll encourage them to participate too.

    • Please do! I know that readers will appreciate what you (and your students) have to say.

      It’s wonderful that you are continuing to make a positive impact on education after 33 years.

      Thanks for reading, commenting and sharing!

  8. Hello everyone,

    I have been teaching for three years now. After my first year, my contract was NOT renewed; and I have currently been teaching at a different school for two years now. Well, I had a meeting with the principal last week and he is not renewing my contract.

    With that being said, should I try and find a new teaching job? I mean, if I have been let go from my two first teaching jobs (for reasons on my teaching abilities, mind you), isn’t that a sign that I should maybe try a different career path?

    I have been pondering this all year long – just haven’t been really happy and haven’t been very confident in myself.

    At both schools I have taught pk-8 Spanish. Maybe all the different levels are too much for me.

    I just don’t know if I want to teach again. I can honestly say that I don’t love it, but I don’t necessarily hate it.

    I am feeling really lost career-wise right now. Maybe I need to try something else to see how much I do enjoy teaching.

    I would love all of your advice/words of wisdom.


  9. I now own my own global business in the health and well being industry working flexible hours from home around my family and am excited for the future. I have found that I have been able to use lots of my teaching skills. E.g. planning, talking at product launches and coaching and mentoring others to do the same. The latter is the part I enjoy most. For years I have loved helping children to achieve their potential and can now help other adults like myself to do the same. What is better though is that I have the freedom and choices to manage my own time and live life in my own terms.

    • Hi Kim, thanks for sharing! I know your success story will help other teachers think of ways to translate their skills. Congrats on finding a fulfilling career after teaching that lets you mentor others *and* gives you more freedom!

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